Triple Bottom Line

•Creating New Community Empowering Revenue Streams
•Educating! Developing curriculum for schools, educating students about wind power and other forms of renewable energy.
•Conducting tours of wind farms with area landowners and stakeholders interested in viewing a wind power project first hand.
•Conducting community meetings to help educate local communities on both the positive and negative aspects of wind project development.
•Emitting zero-emissions energy for generations that will allow for cleaner air and water for our children and grand children
•Saving natural Gas and Fresh Water for our future generations
•Improving Public Health

Wind Energy provides clean, zero emission energy that will help preserve farmland, water and our environment for generations to come.
• No Sulfur dioxide
• No Carbon dioxide
• No Oxides of nitrogen

On-site direct, Off-site direct, Indirect, Induced
Direct Impacts
Construction workers, management, administration
Indirect Impacts
These are jobs in and payments made to supporting businesses, such as bankers financing the construction, contractor, manufacturers and equipment suppliers of subcomponents.
Induced Impacts
These jobs and earnings result from the spending by people directly and indirectly supported by the project, including benefits to grocery store clerks, retail salespeople and child care providers.